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India has the highest number of orphans, with approximately 31 million children classified as orphans. 

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 China: Approximately 20.6 million orphans.

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 Nigeria: Around 12 million orphans.

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 Bangladesh and Ethiopia: Both have approximately 4.8 million orphans each.

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 Indonesia and Pakistan: Each with around 4.2 million orphans.

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DR Congo, Brazil, and South Africa: These countries have varying numbers of orphans, ranging from 3.4 million to 4.2 million1.

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orphan rates have been on the rise globally in recent years, partly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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The pandemic has disproportionately affected adults, leading to the death of parents and rendering their children orphans. 

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Similar issues like poverty, coupled with natural disasters, lead to a substantial number of orphans 

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